NHS Navigation Days, Masterclasses & 1-2-1 Clinic’s for London HealthTech SMEs
16/02/2023 |
Free support is being offered by Barts Life Sciences for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and innovators that are active or registered in London. The support brings in expertise on topics including developing NHS business cases, procurement, intellectual property, and health economics, with the aim of supporting scaling innovation alongside the NHS. Tailored guidance will also be offered to life sciences enterprises, with ‘NHS Navigation Days’, ‘Masterclasses’, and ‘1-2-1 Clinics’ – all offered at no cost to eligible SMEs.
NHS Navigation Days are designed to support SMEs with their understanding of the NHS landscape, whilst the smaller-scale Masterclasses and 1-2-1 Clinics go into more depth on specific topics and provide bespoke support.
Dr Sarah Fothergill, the Healthtech Lead at Barts Life Sciences said: “London has a vibrant and ever-growing life sciences innovation landscape, and we want to ensure that NHS staff, patients and our communities benefit from promising future innovations. This project starts with ensuring future HealthTech develops with Barts Health NHS Trust needs and the wider NHS in mind”.
If you are a HealthTech SME/innovator active in London, sign up for the next NHS navigation Day to be held in March here at Queen Mary University Enterprise Zone.
Further information can be found at bartslifesciecnes.org/HealthTech or by reaching out to healthtech@bartslifesciences.org.
To avoid missing out, follow Barts Life Sciences LinkedIn where further announcements are shared.
Barts Life Sciences is a partnership between Barts Health NHS Trust, one of the largest in the UK, and Queen Mary University of London, a research-intensive member of the Russell Group, consistently ranked highly for medical research citations. Focussed on driving innovation “from bench to bedside,” the Barts Life Sciences team focus on both Data Science and Healthtech innovation and have helped deploy numerous innovations across Barts Health Trust.
The Healthtech SME project is supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Levelling Up and the Mayor of London.