Dates: Multiple Dates
Duration: Five Week Course (30 Hours) – Fridays & Saturdays (16:00 – 19:00)
Delivery Mode: Face to Face & Online
Certificate of Completion from Queen Mary University of London
Delivered by Professor Caroline Edward Ayad
Professional Obstetrical & Gynaecological Ultrasonography
The purpose of this ultrasound course is to develop clinicians, paramedical workers and Radiology technologists competent in the knowledge required for the profession of Diagnostic Medical ultrasound Imaging. This qualification enables them to competently analyze, integrate and apply scientific, theoretical knowledge combined with experience in order to perform advanced and specialized procedures and to solve abstract problems in Medical ultrasound. They will also be able to apply management skills, access information and work independently in a supervisory capacity.
This course has been designed to study the clinical applications within the specialty of obstetrical and gynecological ultrasound. Topics to be discussed include: the correct use of all technical and medical terms that are necessary for a complete discussion of sonographic procedures within obstetrics and gynecology; related clinical symptoms and laboratory test; normal versus abnormal sonographic patterns of the anatomy studied; related disease processes and sonographic protocol for each of the exams covered in the course.
Learning Outcomes:
There are many divisions in Diagnostic Medical ultrasound Imaging. Basically this medical diagnostic ultrasound course is aligned with new technology, national and regional requirements. The Reference for this course is based on the University of Middlesex, Dublin, University of Southern India. Furthermore, the course maintains basic and advance core topics which are necessary to employ in the future plans. This strategy aims to give a comprehensive view in different Obstetrics and Gynecology cases and focused on the specific selected tracks with integrated topics of physics and knobology.
All of the health professions in the discipline combine close patient contact and good communication skills along with the use of technology, to maximize the results for the patient and provide high quality patient care.
Convey to the community and medical sectors a highly qualified cadre with both theoretical and clinical excellence and quality service in Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Field.
Upon completion of the course the participant will have gained basic entry level skills and knowledge in female reproductive sonographic examinations. This course shall guide toward the following goals:
- Proficiency in positioning and scanning patients and in properly setting system controls for the sonographic examinations used within the specialty of obstetrical and gynecological ultrasound.
- Proficiency in the correct use of all technical and medical terms which are necessary for a complete discussion of sonographic procedures in obstetrical and gynecological ultrasound.
- Identify normal and abnormal patterns during the related sonographic examinations.
- Develop proficiency in obtaining the clinical history from the patient or the patient’s chart and then developing a preliminary differential diagnosis.
- Describe the standard scanning procedures for the major organs and structures included within the especially of reproductive system.
- Emanate participants with highly knowledge in all the basic science correlated to the ultrasound field (Knobology, physics and technique).
- Transfer knowledge for doctors and technologists on technical skills essentials in the diagnoses of causes related to the fields of Sonography.
- Provide the participants with knowledge to meet the cutting edge technology in ultrasonography.
- Identify mission and goals to improve knowledge.
- Participate actively in the community service.
Upon the successful completion of this course the participant should be able to:
- Apply the basics of ultrasound physics in the field of diagnostic ultrasound.
- Conducts all the Basic standards and advanced Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound examinations.
- Apply the gained Knowledge in all the obstetrics and gynecological ultrasound cases.
- Diagnose all the cases normal and critical cases.
- Writing a standard Scientific ultrasound report.
- Use the advanced ultrasound instrumentation.
- Communicate with others in different medical fields.
- Work in accordance with the responsibilities and professional ethics.
- Cope with scientific development and Continue in learning.
Program Structure:
A blended teaching and learning approach is followed and consist of:
- Formal lectures form the core component of the teaching and learning strategy.
- During lectures discussions are held, group work are encouraged, comprehensive relevant cases are given.
- Electronic presentations of Power point slides are used extensively as a teaching tool.
- Electronic communication takes place and the lecturer is also available for individual consultation
- There will be an activity or set of activities for each session. These will be designed to help you engage with the introduction to the theories explored within the course.
- Your Facilitator will be on hand to guide you through the programme and will expect you to bring personal experience and reflection on the topics covered.
Topics to be covered
Lecture 1
- Sonographic instrumentation and operational concerns
- Obstetric Sonography : The output display standard and ultrasound bio effects
- Normal Pelvic Anatomy as Depicted With trans vaginal Sonography
- Trans vaginal Sonography of Early Intrauterine Pregnancy
Lecture 2
- First Trimester Nuchal Translucency Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy
- Trans vaginal Sonography of Ectopic Pregnancy
- Fetal Biometry
- Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease
Lecture 3
- Sonography of the Placenta
- Sonography of the Umbilical Cord and Intrauterine Membrane
- Doppler Ultrasound: Application to fetal Medicine
- Doppler Velocimetry of the Uteroplacental Circulation
Lecture 4
- Color Doppler Sonography in Obstetrics
- Prenatal Detection of Anatomic Congenital Anomalies.
- Prenatal Diagnosis of Cerebrospinal Anomalies
Lecture 5
- Neck and Chest Fetal Anomalies.
- Sonography of the Fetal Gastrointestinal System.
- The Fetal Genitourinary System.
- Fetal Skeletal Anomalies
Lecture 6
- Fetal Syndromes.
- Ultrasound Detection of Chromosomal Anomalies.
- Intrauterine Growth Restriction: Diagnosis, Prognostication, and Management Based on Ultrasound Methods.
Lecture 7
- Sonography of Multiple Gestations.
- Fetal Biophysical Profile Score: Theoretical Consideration and practical Application.
Lecture 8
- Ultrasound Examination of the Uterine Cervix during Pregnancy.
- Sonography of Tropho plastic Disease.
Lecture 9
- Sonography Evaluation of Pelvic Masses with Trans abdominal and/or Trans vaginal Sonography.
- Color Doppler Sonography of Pelvic Masses.
Lecture 10
- Sonography Evaluation of Uterine Disorders.
- Endometrial Disorders.
- Early Detection of Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer with Trans vaginal and Color Doppler Sonography.
Lecture 11
- Sonography in Pelvic Pain
Lecture 12
- Trans vaginal Sonography in Gynecologic Infertility.
- Sono hysterography and Sonohysterosalpingography: Normal and Abnormal Findings.
Lecture 13
- Guided Procedures Using Trans vaginal, and Trans rectal Sonography.
- Vaginal bleeding.
Lecture 14
- Three Dimensional Ultrasound in Obstetrics.
- Color /Power Sonography in Gynecology.
Lecture 15: Discussion and Cases Related to the following points
- Clinical Indications For Obstetrical Ultrasound.
- Clinical Manifestations Of Pregnancy.
- Reproductive History.
- Ultrasound In The Evaluation Of Early Pregnancy.
- Normal Sonographic Appearance Of Early Pregnancy.
- Early Pregnancy Failure.
- Ectopic Pregnancy.
- Gestational Trophoblastic Disease.
- Adnexal Evaluation During Pregnancy.
- Uterine Entrapment Syndrome.
Who is this course for?
- The course covers materials for all levels from supervisory through to senior level.
- Doctors interested in pursuing obstetrics and gynecology as a career.
- Doctors working in obstetrics and gynecology who want a firm foundation in ultrasound and need to acquire the ultrasound competence.
- Mid wives.
- Sonographers/sonologists looking to expand or revise their skills in obstetrics and early pregnancy.
- Diagnostic and Radiotherapy Technologist and paramedical.
Benefits for Employers
- This course will help to acquire the knowledge and competence to understand the principals of conducting a safe and appropriate obstetrics and gynecology ultrasound examination and to use an ultrasound machine competently and independently this will help their employers to achieve their strategy and goals.
- Develop skills in identifying the features of normal and abnormal ultrasound examination , label images and understand the principals of report writing and confidently generate ultrasound report will encourage the employers of the course reimbursement.
- After completion of the course, participants (supported by their tutor with additional fee) will be given the opportunity to write a report describing what they have learnt and what is particularly relevant to their employers. The report will focus on one single perspective or to build a hybrid model that will help their employers to achieve their strategic and tactical goals. This will help reassure the employers of the benefits of the programme and help consolidate managers’ understanding.